Independent Chernowitzer Society

Story Summary:

The Independent Chernolitzer Society was established by immigrants hailing from what is today recognized as Chernivtsi, Ukraine. Prior to the World Wars and during the interwar period, the city passed through the hands of Austrian, Romanian, German and Soviet occupation, resulting in its name changing. This is important to note since birthplaces on official documents reflect the country that was occupying the city at that time. The earliest Jewish community of Chernivtsi dates to 1408. The Jewish community of Chernivtsi contributed greatly to the commercial, political, cultural, and academic growth of the city. Up until the First World War, the population increased steadily, however following the Second World War, its survivors left for Poland, Romania, Palestine, and Israel on travel visas. Today, there are only about 1500 Jews in Chernivtsi, with one functioning synagogue. ~Blog by Olivia Scanlon

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