Monday, February 17 is Presidents' Day. The Cemetery office will be closed. The grounds will remain open for visitation.

Social Media

The Legacy Project Facebook Page

We've already begun to document these very important stories on Facebook. Please visit our facebook link below to see the work in progress. If you have a love one buried at Mount Hebron Cemetery or are aware of individuals with stories to be told, please visit our page and share their story with us. If you would like to contribute to the research, please submit your story here.

Follow us on Instagram

Mount Hebron cemetery has many unknown stories within its' gates. The inscriptions, iconography, and epitaphs on grave markers provide insight into the family, social status, and culture of those who rest with us. How can symbols on head stones help us learn more about our loved ones? What enigmatic words were left behind to reveal who they were? Can we learn more about their life experiences by the society grounds they were laid to rest in? Could we connect with our ancestors through a simple porcelain photo? Please join us on Instagram in discovering the meaning of the stones and how they can help us connect in a personal way with our past and present. Look for #markermonday, #wordswednesday, awesome stores and more to come @mounthebroncemetery!

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