Endowed Care
Once the grave or plot has been placed under Endowed Care, the principal amount is invested in securities which are legal for Trust Funds according to the laws of the State of New York. The principal amount remains intact as long as the Trust Fund exists. Only the income on the principal amount is used to care for and maintain the plot or grave.
All graves under Endowed Care are cut and trimmed four to five times per year at periodic intervals beginning in May and ending in October. Planting will be done during the early spring and late fall months. Hydro Seed will be done in the late fall.
Seasonal Care
Seasonal Care is an optional service available to those who wish to pay for it. Seasonal Care must be prepaid annually in accordance with the charges posted and in effect for that year. The terms "Annual Care" and "Seasonal Care" are used interchangeably and shall mean the mowing of grass and pruning of shrubs four to five times per year at periodic intervals beginning in May and ending in October. Seasonal Care does not include the planting of new shrubs or grass.
Cemetery Care
Mount Hebron Cemetery has delineated certain areas of the Cemetery as Cemetery Care areas. Cemetery Care is included with the purchase of graves in these areas. These areas are usually restricted to lawn plan only. Cemetery Care includes the cutting of grass four to five times per year at periodic intervals beginning in May and ending in October. Cemetery Care does not include the replanting of dead grass.
Columbarium Inurnment
Located just inside the main entrance, directly behind our original Memorial Wall, The Columbarium at Mount Hebron Cemetery offers family's niche space for the inurnment of ashes cremations of their loved one. Columbarium's were first used by the Romans where the ashes of loved ones were put in ornate urns and placed in sacred underground chambers, which were decorated with frescos and mosaics. The word columbarium is from the Latin term columba which means, "dwelling place of the dove." It recognizes the spiritual and peaceful significance associated with doves throughout history.
Similar to a mausoleum, a private or public structure that holds coffins, a columbarium is a structure that has niches or vaults to hold urns that contain cremains. A columbarium does not require an in-earth burial, but instead, allows for the interment of a loved one in a structure, away from the elements.
Columbarium's allows family members another burial option and provides a special place where family and friends can remember and memorialize their loved one. The purchase of a niche in our columbarium includes an inscription with their name and date of birth and passing.
Monuments and Unveilings
Before commencing any work, the monument dealer of your choice will first submit a written order which must be approved by the Cemetery. The Cemetery reserves at least 6-8 weeks to pour a cement foundation. The Cemetery does not pour cement foundations during inclement weather or during the winter months. Monument dealers may need extended time to manufacture your stone. We strongly advise you not to schedule unveilings until the Cemetery has confirmed the memorial stone has been installed.
Memorial Wall
Only you know the deep feelings of sadness and emptiness after the loss of a loved one. The Memorial Wall at Mount Hebron Cemetery offers you a beautiful tribute to your loved ones with an inscription on our Memorial Wall. Here the names of your loved ones may be inscribed as a lasting and loving tribute, no matter where they were interred.
Whether your loved ones passed during the days of the Holocaust, during Military service or at any point in time, it’s a truly thoughtful way to be memorialized. We offer standard, Holocaust and Military inscriptions on the wall.
Learn More
Photo Request
Pay for a picture of your loved ones' gravesite. Mount Hebron Cemetery charges $16.00 for a picture of the gravesite which can be paid online with a credit card. We usually have the picture emailed to you within one week. To order a photo, search for the interment and then click on their name to view their interment page. On that page, click the button "Pay for Photo" to submit your photo request.
Families can purchase shrubs or grass directly from Mount Hebron Cemetery for installation on graves. Certain areas may have planting restrictions. No orders for planting of shrubs or grass will be accepted unless the current year's care has been paid or if it is a Cemetery Care area. Planting of shrubs will only be done during the spring and fall months. Hydroseeding (grass) will only be done in the fall.
Planting Types
Graves For Sale
Mount Hebron has graves for sale. Call our office for further details about cost and location. Note: Graves are not sold sight unseen.
Cemetery Disclosure and Information
Cemetery Disclosures & Information as Provided by the New York State Cemetery Board